線形状の長さを知りたい (スクリプト)
import numpy
import math
# ゼロチェック.
def isZero (v):
minV = 1e-5
if v > -minV and v < minV:
return True
return False
# ベクトルの減算.
# @param[in] v1 (x, y, z)の3要素.
# @param[in] v2 (x, y, z)の3要素.
def subVec3Vec3 (v1, v2):
vec3_1 = numpy.array(v1)
vec3_2 = numpy.array(v2)
return vec3_1 - vec3_2
# ベクトルの長さを計算.
def lengthVec3 (v):
vec3 = numpy.array(v)
return numpy.linalg.norm(vec3)
# ベジェ上の位置を計算.
def getBezierPoint (v1Pos, v1Out, v2In, v2Pos, fPos):
fMin = 1e-6
rPos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
cPos = []
cPos.append([v1Pos[0], v1Pos[1], v1Pos[2]])
cPos.append([v1Out[0], v1Out[1], v1Out[2]])
cPos.append([v2In[0], v2In[1], v2In[2]])
cPos.append([v2Pos[0], v2Pos[1], v2Pos[2]])
fPos2 = float(fPos)
fPos2 = max(0.0, fPos2)
fPos2 = min(1.0, fPos2)
if isZero(fPos2):
rPos = cPos[0]
return rPos
if isZero(fPos2 - 1.0):
rPos = cPos[3]
return rPos
# ベジェ曲線の計算.
t = fPos2
t2 = 1.0 - t
t2d = t2 * t2
td = t * t
b1 = t2d * t2
b2 = 3.0 * t * t2d
b3 = 3.0 * td * t2
b4 = t * td
for i in range(3):
rPos[i] = b1 * cPos[0][i] + b2 * cPos[1][i] + b3 * cPos[2][i] + b4 * cPos[3][i]
return rPos
# 指定の形状が線形状の場合に、長さを計算.
# @param[in] shape 対象形状.
# @param[in] lineDivCou ラインの全体の分割数.
def getLineLength (shape, lineDivCou):
if shape.type != 4: # 線形状でない場合.
return 0.0
vCou = shape.total_number_of_control_points
vList = []
divCou = lineDivCou / vCou
if divCou < 4:
divCou = 4
divD = 1.0 / float(divCou)
# ベジェをポイントで保持.
for i in range(vCou):
if shape.closed == False and (i + 1 >= vCou):
p1 = shape.control_point(i)
p2 = shape.control_point((i + 1) % vCou)
dPos = 0.0
for j in range(divCou + 1):
p = getBezierPoint(p1.position, p1.out_handle, p2.in_handle, p2.position, dPos)
if (i == 0) or (i != 0 and j > 0):
dPos += divD
# ラインの全体長を計算.
vLineLenList = []
allLen = 0.0
for i in range(len(vList) - 1):
lenV = lengthVec3(subVec3Vec3(vList[i + 1] , vList[i]))
allLen += lenV
return allLen
# ----------------------------------.
# 選択された形状の長さを取得.
# ----------------------------------.
scene = xshade.scene()
shape = scene.active_shape()
# shapeの長さを計算.
lineLenV = getLineLength(shape, 100)
print "[" + shape.name + "] length = " + str(lineLenV) + " mm"